Originally Posted on | October 8, 2008
Breathing – After a d-sat (de-saturation, i.e., a reduction of the oxygen saturation in the blood) free weekend, John has had several episodes. His saturation should range from 92% to 100%. It falls into the 80s at times, and that is no big deal. But when it start hitting the 60s and below, that is where there is a problem. So a disappointment, but opportunity for prayer as well.
Eating – John ate four straight meals via bottle, from 7:30 last night to 4:30 this morning! Please thank God for this, and pray for a continued desire and ability for John to suck and swallow, and for Kelly and I to have the time to do the feedings ourselves. They almost always go better when we are doing it. The nurses are usually watching several children, and often don’t have the time it takes to get a whole meal down.
Care Conference – We will be having the conference at 5:30 on Thursday with the neonatologist, the neurologist, the physical and occupational therapists, etc. Please pray for wisdom, and also for good results from the EEG John will have today.