Originally Posted on | September 24, 2008
As we walk in Christ, we walk in God’s heavenly kingdom surrounded by agreat cloud of witnesses—many of whom have appeared to us for the first time through this challenge we are facing. This cloud is a source of great comfort for all who walk as pilgrims through this fallen world. It certainly has been so for us. I am sure there are prayer lists out there somewhere that John and our family are not on, but I don’t know where they are. Our family is being greatly comforted by everyone’s prayers, and our little boy is making great (from our perspective) progress as well. We know that the prayers of the faithful are answered. Of course, we also know that not all little boys and girls with health problems are healed as we hope John will be. But please don’t let that stop you from praying—we are confident those prayers will be a means through which our little boy is healed completely in God’s perfect timing—whether that be in this life or the next.
The last couple of days has brought us some good news. While we await a full report on Thursday morning, we did find out Tuesday that John’s EEG was improved from his first one a week ago. This was very important. Also, John was moved from a CPAP machine to a simple nasal cannula with oxygen-and over the day his oxygen level was brought down to the same level as the air we all breathe. And he hasn’t “forgotten” to breathe in the last 20 hours or so. He has moved to full feedings through a tube, so they were able to remove the pick line and the IVs—no more needles stuck in him! He receives his food and medicine through a tube now, and that tube was moved from his mouth to his nose—which they could do because the CPAP machine was no longer needed. Maybe the most exciting news for us today was that John has a gag reflex—we were there when they found out. The gag reflex is important because he can’t eat on his own without it, because he might let his milk go down the wrong way.
All this really seems to be setting things up well for the next big milestone—seeing if John can suck, swallow, and drink from a bottle or nurse. Big prayer request here—they will begin to introduce a bottle on Thursday—today for most of you who are reading this as you arise. Also we’d appreciate prayers for a good report on the EEG and for wisdom from his medical team and us in determining the next steps in John’s treatment.
Two more things. First, we are posting these updates and pictures at the CaringBridge website. If you’d like to see all the past updates, read more about John’s challenges, and see pictures, you can do so at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/peacock. You can also sign up on the website to be notified when it is updated.
Second, we were sitting at the dinner table (enjoying one of the wonderful meals prepared by friends we’ve received over the last few weeks) when we heard some yelling. I thought it was just some of the kids in aftercare at the school around the corner, but Kelly persisted in discovering the source. It was our neighbor, Paula Carol, who had fallen down in her backyard and dislocated her left shoulder and broken her arm in three places. She couldn’t get up. We called 911, and the paramedics came, stabilized her then took her to Brackenridge Hospital here in Austin. She is going to need surgery Thursday. So please keep Paula in your prayers as well.